Friday, December 25, 2009

All I Want For Christmas Is You (and You and You and You)

Merry Christmas Everyone!


EDIT: One more Christmas Image :P

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hugh Grant, and DFO

On Tuesday this week three of my friends and I travelled to DFO. We met up at Wynard to catch the train to Strathfield then on to Homebush via bus. By the end of our shopping trip, and our revolution around DFO at about 3 o'clock I had bought three items. The first, a pyjama top from Bras N Things costing $5 because it was faulty (though I don't know where), a t-shirt from Cotton On Body, costing $5 because it was also faulty, having a tiny hole near the chest area, and a pair of underpants, with the Batman logo, and the Batman band at the top sewed on upside-down, also faulty at $5 from Cotton On Body.

Anyways, we decided it was time to go back so we caught the bus back to Strathfield, and then the train back to Wynard.

So then, before we set home, Bec wanted to go to Starbucks, and we complied. We picked up mXs (in Fiona and I's case, multiple) and headed there.
So as we browsed our mXs, I noticed this full page ad, for the movie Have You Heard About The Morgans? and above it a notice saying "Come and see Hugh Grant on the red carpet at the Australian Premiere..." and read it out. So just like that we decied to go, as it was only a street away( albeit like 15 mins away) and in about one and a half hours.
So we arrived, it was pretty busy but we found a spot.

Fiona and Monica had a pretty good spot, with Bec standing behind them. I was about a meter away, standing behind some asians. I couldn't really see anything, so I was very grateful when at about 5 o'clock one of the PR assistants invited about 20(?) people into the inner layer of barriers, which meant we were boardering the red carpet. I was about 5 people down from my friends, which meant that for the next hour and a half, I'd be hanging out with an blonde to my left (we shared a couple of scentces eg. Her: "Wow, look at that girls heels...crazy" Me: "Yeah...-nervous laughter-" and Her:"Who is that?" Me: "I don't know...-pondering-"and some guys with accents to my right, who I was afraid were gonna pull out guns at any second (but they turned out to be sweeties). Anyways, after Michala Banas (that girl from Mclouds Daughters) Michelle from the Biggest Loser:

And then Hugh Grant came out of his car

and took his time doing interviews

signing autographs

taking photos with my friends

taking luvos

and getting love from the ladies

so by the time he got to my section, he only had time to sign this tiny piece of cardboard for the girl next to me,

and my original mX ad, (see below)

and reply "Sorry, I'm in a rush" (but very nicely) to the guy next to me after being asked for a video interview (to which I loled)

and then he was gone. (Well, really he went to hug some people on the other side etc and THEN he was gone)

I mean, I have lots of regrets (like, I should have stayed with my friends, I should have forced my way up to them because then a) I wouldn't have been with randoms for an hour and a half, and b) I would have probably gotten a autograph AND a photo with him (though I would have looked horrible like usual, so maybe its a good thing, I didn't ruin their photo) and I probably would have had a lot more fun (NOT that I didn't have fun). AND I DIDN'T EVEN THANK HIM FOR THE AUTOGRAPH OR REACH OUT AND TOUCH HIM OR ANYTHING) BUT it was a great experience, I mean I can only imagine in the future that I will be a lot more prepared and experienced for my enconter with Christian Bale (PLEASE come to Australia for The Fighter) AND I lost my autography virginity (well, Home and Away pathetic people's don't count) AND I got to see Hugh Grant in real life.

So, so what if I didn't hang out with my lame friends (joking) and I didn't get a photo with HUGH GRANT and I didn't touch him or thank him. I'm an idiot, but I guess everybody already knew that. I got his autograph and it's time I started taking my own advice- 'Beggars can't be choosers'! But that being said, I am very jealous, but very happy for those who did get their photo with Hugh Grant.

Oh and Fiona, at "Hugh Grant Sleepover" everyone bring all their photos and footage.

P.S. A shoutout to Fiona's blog ( that also has an account of this experience and Bec's blog ( which WON'T have an account of this experience (as of 2.30)

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I'm Back! Yay! No One Cares!

So, it's holidays, which means its time for me to try and attempt to follow through in some of the things I started during, well, probably the last holidays. And can I just say, I love using OneNote on our laptops to make lists in my 'personal notebook'. I have my 'To Read ', my 'To Watch (Movies)', my 'To Watch (TV)', my 'To Do' for each week of the school term, my 'To Do' for the holidays (Next time I use my laptop I'm gonna have to add 'Update Blog', just so I can cross it off), my 'To Do Before I Die', my 'New Year's Resolutions' and other various lists and collaborations, some password protected and some not.
Anyways, I'm considering following Cindy's example and making my blog 'invitation only'. Because, no one reads this anyways, and that's fine by me, I prefer it that way. I make these entries for me because I love me! (Not really, I actually hate myself, but anyways!)
Oh, and Bec if you're reading this (I'll probably make you) I WISH our "plan" would have the potential to work, but I guess I can just fantasise about it instead.

Anyways, I'm now writing this paragraph three days later than I did the one above, and in that time, I've gotten Hugh Grant's autograph, so I think I'll blog about that, haha. After that, I'm going to have to come up with some schedule because I want to share some pictures I like with my non-existent readership.


RIP Brittany Murphy. You were pretty cool.
